01782 723500 enquiries@qctech.co.uk
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Co-Managed IT

Working WITH your existing IT team

Making the best use of the avilable resources

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We Get it, no matter which side of the fence you are here, getting an external team in to help CAN seem like it might be an insult, a threat, an admittion of failure or a HR problem waiting to happen.

If you are the IT Guy

“Who does this guy think he is coming in here telling me and my team that we are not doing our job right”

“We are doing the best we can with the resources we have available”

“Are you (the MD/CTO/COO) telling me I’m not doing my job right”

“Are they trying to replace me and my team”

“If I ask for help they (the MD/CTO/COO) are going to think that we don’t know what we are doing”

“I know we are doing things wrong but I don’t want to admit it”

If you are the MD / COO

“The IT team are overworked”

“We need some holiday / sickness cover”

“There is a big project coming up and we don’t think they have the skills in house but we don’t want to offend anyone”

“That ticket still hasn’t been closed”

“That ticket needs opening again because it hasn’t been done right”

“There is some new tech but our guys have never seen it or worked with it before”


It doesn't have to be like that

It really doesn’t have to be like that.

We pride ourselves on being able to help the people around us do their best work and provide the best solutions to their customers.

Sometimes we do have to have slightly awkward conversations with people and suggest better, more efficient or more secure ways of working but we always do that with the intended outcome being to educate the team and improve processes.

For example, we recently worked with an in house IT team for a maintanance company to provide them with a new telephone system.

The existing system was hard to use, had run out of “licenses” and kept having quality issues, the management team were getting increasingly frustrated because the call quality was affecting customer service and as a result they were giving IT a hard time.

We recommended a system that is simpler to use but more flexible, allowed them to transfer calls between different office locations and saved them money. We also sorted out their broadband an mobile phone contracts and in the process simplified a lot of their setup.

Person in a coffee shop with a laptop and a hot coffee

As another example, we were contacted by an IT guy who looked after the computers and database for a warehousing and distribution operation.

The database software was ancient and needed constant attention, the computers were also old and in serious need of some TLC.

Because of the age and fragility of the system the IT guy could not see the wood for the trees and never managed to get time to come up with a plan to permanently resolve the issues they were having. He was so busy putting out fires all the time that he never stopped to work out what was causing the fires in the first place!

Our solution was to come up with a hardware replacement program and procedures around the hardware replacement. We calculated the cost to the business of having devices not working and then then took that to the leadership team.

They agreed budget and slowly, as devices were replaced, the fires started to subside. This then allowed the IT guy the time to research and implement a new system that has revolutionised how the company operates and lead to increases in both turnover, Gross Profit and more importantly a less stressed IT guy.


So, what's the next step?

If you are a manager and there are frustrations with your current IT setup or inovations you think your current team are not on top of then book half an hour of my time using the button below for a free, no oblication chat about how we might be able to help.

If you are the IT manager and you are drowning in tickets, strggling to put out the fires or never getting around to that killer project then book yourself in for a free 30 min chat about ways I might be able to help you and your organisation do great things.

Either way… smash that button, book a meeting and lets work out how I can help.

Gareth's headshot

Contact a Human!


M-F: 8am – 6pm
S-S: Closed

Call Us

+44 (0) 1782 723500



Unit 13, Stone Enterprise Centre, Emerald Way, Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 0SR